Taking a short break from what I have dubbed "Summer Travel Fest 2009" we have enjoyed the last two weekends at home, with lots of fun and festive things to do.

July 4
th weekend kicked off with
RNO, otherwise known as the "Red Necked Olympics" hosted by one of my friends from the office. Dressing to impress Lilah watched her parents try to master such games as the "Tire Toss" and "Blow that Soda Can!". Although we left shortly before the" Wife Carry" a fantastic time was had by all and brought back memories of the annual
vacuum throwing contest of summers past.

Then on the actual 4
th, we headed over to the
Takoma Park parade with Gayle, Erik and Jordan (thankful as always that they invite us to cool stuff or we would never know to go!). We got there early enough to get a great seat, and with only a small
CVS run for Lilah's first Hello Kitty
band aid, we watched the parade amazed at all that
Takoma Park has to offer (a small sampling of that in the photo to the left).

Back home for a quick rest, we ventured over the bridge and into Virginia to watch the fireworks from an undisclosed location.
Luckily this undisclosed location was on the 16
th floor of an enclosed building - close enough to see the fireworks but far enough away no kids were scared by the noise. Oh yea and the undisclosed location also happened to include Lilah beau Alexander - who knew?!

The week itself was also eventful as Jason and I celebrated our 7
th Anniversary and Lilah was treated to serenade of Sesame Streets "Put Down the
Duckie" as performed by Darryl.
Then, always amazing us with new things she does, Lilah performed her famous "I don't want to take a nap" act on Friday - finished the evening by (on her own!) going over to the couch, getting herself a pillow, putting it on the dining room floor and going to bed for the night about an hour and a half before her normal bedtime.
In case you were wondering she has also mastered the art of the phrases "NO MOMMY," "NO DADDY," and "NO DIAPER CHANGE!". Speaking of which a quick milestone of Lilah
choosing her own potty also
occurred this week. Her vocabulary has grown so much in the past few weeks, that we can now understand about 75% of what she says - it's fantastic.

This past Saturday was spent mostly outside, working around the house and having fun. It would be remiss not to mention however the
Cheeburger, Cheeburger-off that occurred Saturday night where all the
Boig's were in
attendance. With video to come later, the basic premise was that Santiago would order and pay for a burger (ordering anything on it he would like) and Darryl would eat it. With a small audience of well-wishers Lilah took the opportunity to show her dislike of shoes running around the back room they hid us in only in socks. (Thank you Stephanie for getting her shoes back on!). Did I mention she also takes her shoes off in the car, in the house basically anyplace except when we try to get her to take a bath - then she wants to keep everything on.

The last stop on our weekends adventure was a
paaaaarty at our place on Sunday in honor of the
Dailey's and there upcoming new addition of a baby girl. After a fun and filling time (YUM Pavlova) Lilah took a late nap and Jason and I sat on our clean deck, on a clear and beautiful day, eating Thai and
enjoying ourselves.
With more fun in the sun (and on the beach) ahead of us this summer keep following along as more exciting adventures (and new words/phrases) are bound to come.