As you can figure out from my decrease in posts lately, things were more crazy than usual for a while, but calmness (in Boig form) is back. After our New Orleans trip Lilah continued her adventure of new adventures although there were much more close to home.
The family photo here is at the very top of the new Newseum in Washington DC. With some early admit tickets we were able to get in last Saturday an enjoy the rooftop deck on one of the most beautiful days we

In case you are wondering, or even if you aren't, Jason and Lilah are wearing matching outfits - really they are. They are both wearing Trogdor shirts! (if you have a quizzical look on your face right now Google it).
The week before that Lilah cheering on Darryl at almost the exact same spot for his 12th marathon at the National Marathon where he cut his best time by a half an hour. Go Darryl go. She loved all the excitement going on and is getting really good at giggling at runners as they go by.

This was my first work trip overnight away from Lilah and although I am happy to report she and her dad had a fantastic time, I am also happy to report I am back :). We are looking forward to staying put for a few weekends and then off to see Lilah's Great Grandma and Great Uncle Bob (whose 90th Bday

More photos and updating to come soon. Good Friday to all!
1 comment:
So very very random....
I went to highshool with Jason - and by a total fluke came across your blog...
please tell him that Calabrese says hi..
So nice to see your family! and tell Mr. Boig congrats on such a beautiful baby!
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