For Lilah's first birthday she got a lot of wonderful presents and at different times she claims different ones as her "favorite" of the moment.
Currently the one she spends the most time with (and by "time" I mean EVERY night) is a pull around kitty named KoKo (named for Erika and David's cat since they are the ones who got the kitty for Lilah).
Now this would be a very cute story of Lilah and her cute kitty (and video below), and you would think that a toy that makes no sound wouldn't give us much trouble...however...Lilah especially loves when mommy walks the kitty around the house singing "We're walking the Kitty, we're walking the kitty, here we go, we're walking the kitty." - you'll have to make up your own tune. So you can imagine our nights the last few weeks :) that I hope gives you a smile today!

And no blog post would be complete without some shots of the "Best of Lilah" photos from this week.
Tonight (yes two in one day!) her 15th month appointment...and "chicken pox - yea or nea?", so tune in again soon.
Lastly - a BIG shout out to Anne who is leaving on a jet plane for her first half Marathon - go Anne we are cheering for ya!