After being thrown back and forth across our yard by Jason and the boys, MBB may get very dizzy! This week it feels like MBB might be playing a football game in my stomach so maybe it is just me that is getting dizzy :) In other stats:
- MBB is between 12.75 and 20 inches. With just 6 more weeks to go MBB might be the tallest one in the family yet.
- Between 4 3/4 and 5lbs MBB has developed initial fat layers to help regulate his/her body temperature upon birth. This is what gives those babies that cute/chubby look!
This week we have two different sets of birth appointments. Today is our first Labor Class on natural birth - Birthing from Within - http://birthingfromwithin.com/. This is a six week, once a week class that will bring us right up to the end of September. Then Thursday is our regularly schedule every other week appointment where MBB gets measured again!
So more to report soon.....
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