Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

MBB reaches 100 entries!

It's hard to believe that just over one year ago (2/18/07 to be exact) I launched this blog to keep in touch with friends and family near and far upon announcing the impending birth of MBB (aka. Lilah R. Boig). It has been a fantastic time and in hitting the one year and 100 entries milestone a look back at things learned:

Calling your baby a fruit or veggie is cute to help the weeks of pregnancy go by. Calling them an inanimate object can be just downright scary (remember the rubber duck and tissue box posts).

Different baby emails will tell you different weights and lengths for your little one, so read a few, but the midwife (or obgyn) really does know best on the health of your little one.

Pregnancy Sucks (and Pregnancy Sucks for Men) really are the BEST books a pregnant lady and her husband can have. Buy them, share them, read them.

Believe in your gut - both during pregnancy and afterwords - it is the best indicator you have.

Sometimes even with all the planning and research in the world your baby still want everyone to see her "Butt First" so go with the flow as it all works out in the end. (get it the "end").

Have fun with your baby - take her out - show her the world! But be prepared - a change of clothes for everyone including you.

And last but not least - A trip to the grocery store can be an adventure as long as your sister doesn't go skydiving the very same day.

On that note - more to come in post #101 - as Lilah is rolling over like crazy, grabbing her toes, almost sitting up and starting fruits next week.

PS. My esteemed co-workers talked me into joining Facebook so feel free to give me a yell there.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The photos are in!

Good evening out there in cyberland. The past two weeks have been insane to say the best. We have had sickness, craziness and happiness. I hope to post a full update by the end of the week, but to tide you over today I got the photos from my photographer friend who you may recall spend some time at our place a few weeks ago photographing Lilah. She handed me a CD of 298 color andn B/W photos today! Here are some for your viewing pleasure. More to come with subquent emails.

Friday, February 8, 2008

At least she hasn't discovered chocolate yet!

In addition to her four month shots and monthly measuring (13lb 15oz, 25inches) Lilah was given the green like to start eating rice cereal (and oatmeal and barley).

Jason and I weren't all that nervous about how she would like being spoon fed as she has been sitting with us at the table for a few weeks playing with her spoon and trying to feed herself. As you can see from the photos, we were right and she can't seem to get enough of the stuff!
Now that she realizes that good comes from other sources, she is trying out everything new by putting it in her mouth. The example below was sushi the other night - although we keep telling her she has to wait until she is at least two for raw fish!

After the chopstick incident we decided Lilah to see how she would react to other new things so we put her in a bouncy seat that Beth and Darryl had and she LOVED IT! And she didnt't even try to eat it :)