October in the DC metro area is a fun time that always bring out the best things about fall.

Repeating the fun time from last year we headed out with a larger group of adults (and kids!) to the Butler's Orchard Pumpkin festival at the end of October.

Lilah got to experience her first time in a moon bounce and although we were not sure how she would like it, you can see from her expression the biggest problem we had was getting her out to go pick the pumpkins.

We also enjoyed eating carmel apples (well I did at least) and petting the animals they had.

The night before that we attended Boo at the Zoo where they open up the National Zoo to allow kids to go trick 'r treating by moonlight.

Lilah dressed up as a clown, although without makeup it is a little hard to tell. She was cute no matter what you think she was.

Lilah's grandma also visited in mid-October and we had fun attending music class and hanging out in the nice weather.
We also kicked off October with Lilah's second birthday party where Mickey Mouse (aka Uncle Steven) made an appearance and lots of fun was had by all. It was wonderful to see so many kids running around and playing together (while the adults ate and drank the day away of course!).
Wow - we are to September already. Well that is for another day (tomorrow!). Then we will be all caught up on adventures and I look forward to giving updates on "funny things Lilah has said in the past three months". As well as some more photos from our Deep Creek vacation.
A preview..... "Mommy I want to go downstairs to see my boy" - That would be today - that would be Alexander she is talking about :).
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