After a three month hiatus I am finally back to the MBB blog.
With a goal to write every day of our Thanksgiving vacation I figure we will be caught up by the time we head back home on Saturday. We are spending a week in Deep Creek, MD with the Reiches unwinding and relaxing with food, tv, food, an amazing view and did I mention food?
So starting today and heading back (throughout the week) to the end of August where I left off on our Lilah adventures.....
Today finds us at Deep Creek Lake where Lilah and Alexander are having fun playing together and Lilah is learning lots of new skills, including how to play Guitar Hero from her dad. As you can see she is getting pretty good at it. We expect her to be beating all of us by the end of the week.
Yesterday we helped Jordan celebrate his second birthday (Happy Birthday Jordan!). The party was super fun and Lilah loved it because she found all new toys to play with. As you can see Lilah tends to like other kids toys more than hers "new toys!".
We have also been enjoyed the warm days so far this winter by spending as much time outside as possible This is Lilah "helping daddy" to mow the lawn last weekend.

Last weekend we also visited more recent baby kate elisabeth parker, where we are happy to report that Lilah was very gentle and didn't poke Kate in the eye at all (which is more than I can say for the first time she met Alexander).
In early November, we headed out to Lancaster PA with Lilahs's Bubbe and Aunt Sarah for "Joint Birthday Weekend" where Bubbe and I celebrate our bday that are only a week apart. It was Lilah, however, who had the most fun at the Children's museum, the petting zoo and of course the obligatory big waffle.
We started off November right though, in NY with the NYC Marathon where Darryl was one of 52,000 runners to take on the amazing feat. With a great time and a great finish Lilah got her "cheer" on and her naps in. She loved the subway and talked for a week after about wanting to go on the train. Good thing we took her to a Caps game shortly after.
With one month down, I'll end there tonight, but will be back tomorrow to recap October!
Oh No!
They're back.
Yea! Happy to have you back blogging again. :-)
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