Monday, February 26, 2007
Fathers & Daughters
"If I have a daughter and she bring home some guy, I am going to stand there with my rifle and shoot at things. I am going to keep her locked up until she is 18 or 21"
I am amazed that guys really think this way but I guess it is a reflection on the way they had been from the ages of 13 to about 30. I think that any child is going to resist ultimate control while in their teenage years. Teaching them to make the right decision when I am not around is better than not letting them make a decision at all. It will help them in life down the road.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Oh no - I ate what!
One of the things on the "be very careful" food eating list are soft cheeses. These cheeses are more inclined to allow growth of bacteria, such as listeria, which can harm an unborn child. An important thing indeed. I have been very good about following this cheese rule - no bre, feta or goat cheese. With a love for cheese, I have been pretty proud of my accomplishment.
Then at some point yesterday I realized that for the last few morning I have been eating a bagel WITH CREAM CHEESE. Uh oh. Is cream cheese a soft cheese? I mean it is "soft" and it is technically "cheese" but does it qualify as one of those bacteria forming, baby harming cheeses that the websites, books, and health care providers tell you about. And if so - what can a pregnant lady with no fridge from Jersey eat!
So I went on my online search to find out. As discovered on most of my other "can I or can I not" web quests most of the U.S. targeted web sites are pretty wishy washy on naming specific list of cheeses and qualifying them as "soft" or "ok to eat" so onto the UK I went. Pay dirt! "Is it safe to eat cheese when you are pregnant" not only listed specifically each cheese in its own category, but let me know what cream cheese will work just fine - yea!
Well on to looking for fridges now! The snow will only keep our stuff outside cold for so long.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Acupuncture Rocks!
I plan to continue to visit the acupuncturist through the rest of my first trimester and then again the last few weeks of pregnancy (for easier labor!) I truly attribute my limited morning sickness to the treatments I am getting from her. I have seen a major improvement after each visit with any complaints I go in with.
I share all this mostly because I was skeptical going into the process, but after doing a good deal of research learned that acupuncturists have a 70% success rate with pregnancy - more than some of the drugs out there! I have already and will keep recommending it any couple trying to have a baby (and for a few other ailments).
Jason and I are looking forward to hearing the baby's heartbeat one week from yesterday!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
February 20

At some point in history some medical person decided that at the height of a women's morning sickness the best thing to do would be to describe her growing child as a piece of food. (poppy seed, rice, apple) Although I am incredibly thankful to have escaped the majority of nausea, I do see the hysterical irony in this.
Each week, we get an email describing the food like size of Baby - this week we can all picture the child as a raspberry. We also get the actual picture of what the baby might look like, but being somewhat graphic I am going to hold off on posting those to this site.
It is amazing the amount of reading I have been doing lately just to keep up with what is happening, will happen, could happen, etc. Luckily, last night I was given a reprise from the boring medical stuff when Beth and Darryl presented Jason and I with Pregnancy Sucks: What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You Miserable and Pregnancy Sucks for Men: What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You BOTH Miserable by Joanne Kimes. Hysterical and true, I have been plowing through the book enjoying every minute of it.
Lastly thoughts for today are a quick medical update. As many of you know the sonogram in the photos below was taken so early because I was having sharp left side pain last week which could have been (but thankfully was not) the sign of an ectopic pregnancy. Turned out to just be a measly old fibroid. Well I learned today that if one is going to have a fibroid during pregnancy mine is the best type to have - it is an Pedunculated fibroid which apparently means it grows on a stalk (I am trying very hard to not think broccoli). It may cause slight pain at times, but will not be harmful to the Baby at all.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Welcome to our Baby blog!
We have set up this blog for family and friends who want to ride along with our pregancy and baby fun. It will also serve as an archive for us so remember this expereince by. Please feel free to make lots comments, we look foward to all of your thoughts!
Much has happened in the last few weeks since we have found out about the pregnancy, so Jason and I will be writing catch up posts over the next week or so.
The basics are:
Due Date: October 3, 2007
Date We Found Out: January 29th
Next Big Milestone: Hearing the heartbeat on March 7th. After that we plan to tell most of our friends!
More to come soon!