So clearly the emails about the Baby's progression are getting obvious as to what MBB will be each week and since I already have one class a week on labor less helpful since that is the only topic they really cover. But they do provide some update statistics at least - so MBB is:
- According to the emails between 14 and 21 inches. However, I can tell you that MBB is definitely bigger than 14 inches since this past Tuesday Midwife Lisa measured MBB's head to butt as 15 inches so with adding legs I am guessing we are up to aprox. 19 inches - a perfect size! MBB gets measured each week now so we will have more actual updates for you as MBB grows. NOTE: We have had some questions on the weight of MBB - we won't know this till birth as the only accurate way to measure this is an ultrasound which wasn't medically necessary so I declined this trimester - although according to the inaccurate emails the Baby should be about 6.5lbs.
Although my due date is a little under 3 weeks away. MBB is now considered full-term and if he/she baby arrives now, his/her lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb. It also means that I can give birth at the birth center instead of the hospital - wooohoo.
My dream is for MBB to come the last week of September, so if you are thinking about us - keep that in your thoughts!
I have been having light Braxton Hicks contractions, but so light that I didn't even know I was having them until the midwife pointed them out to me - I just thought it was MBB moving around! For all those who don't know that is a good sign that my body is getting ready to check out MBB in the daylight -but it's not really an indication of how soon that might be. Besides that no other signs of labor yet, but I will keep you all updated.
That's all for sleepy writing tonight - off to try to catch some zzzzzzzzs.
1 comment:
Ha ha ha! OK, I just have to comment about your statement that an ultrasound is an "accurate" way to measure baby's weight. Actually, ultrasounds in late pregnancy can give you an "estimated" weight that can easily be off by a pound or 2. Yes, TWO pounds. So, the only way to know how big baby will be is to weigh him (yes, I think it's gonna be a boy) after he's born. Anyway, I'm sure MBB will be the perfect size, and I can't wait to meet him!
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