One month to go (about)! Depending on which midwife you ask, the day you ask them and the ultrasound you go by, MBB is expected to arrive sometimes between a month from yesterday (the 1st) and a month from next Saturday (the 8th). Folks around here have already started making predictions - so fell free to join in:
- When is MBB arriving?
- How big will MBB be?
- Girl or Boy? - the controversy rages on!
So with all this excitement, MBB is a boring baseball cap this week. I am thinking the people behind the e-mails I get just felt the need to give all sports a fair shake (remember last week was a football) so let's see if next week a basketball pops up. So what else the e-mails told me:
- MBB is between 13.25-20.25 inches long and about 5.25 lbs.
- Starting to look more like the baby you see in all those Charmin commercials MBB's skin is pinker and smoother, thanks to fat deposits.
- His/her kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of MBB's basic physical development is now complete so basically the baby will spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Coming up this week is class #3 of Birthing from Within on Tuesday (great so far!), my 36 week appt. on Thursday where I get to take the Group B streptococci (GBS) - my last pregnancy test whoo hoo. The topic of class that day will be labor (gee what a surprise) and belly casting (photos to come).
Good Labor Day weekend to all and keep us in your good thoughts for our own Boig "Labor" day coming soon!
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