As Jason and I were perusing the holiday outfits around Buy Buy Baby today, it
occurred to me that Lilah is
officially past all of the "Baby's 1st...." outfits since she has already
experienced everything the first time around. What a realization that was!
(It also made me realize I had to change the timeline on the top of this blog, which you will see now points towards her 2nd bday.)
Lilah birthday celebrations are continuing and this week we celebrated her actual birthday this past Tuesday with my dad and his wife Val.
Lilah is having a wonderful time opening all of her new toys and clothes and is quickly picking up on new things she can learn - such is copying mom and dad talking on the phone.

Lilah had a lot of fun trying to blow out her "birthday muffin" which she then realized she wasn't even allowed to eat :)
Lilah got to spend most of her
bday week with her daddy as I was out in the woods for a work retreat. Lilah and daddy had a fantastic time playing and even singing and dancing in Friday's weekly music class (I wish I had a picture!).

And with a birthday comes the 12
th bear photo. It is amazing to us she used to fit in the tiny armpit of the bear!

We call these her devil and angel photos.

Looking ahead to year #2 we already have some fantastic adventures planned - another party on the 11
th for more friends and family, a trip to Deep Creek MD with the
Reiches, and lots of swim and music classes ahead.
So rest up everyone, Lilah's "Second" will be a first for all of us!