Although she still seems so tiny to most people, Lilah is growing pretty rapidly. As evidence of that today she was finally able to fit into the diapers that Jason and I choose half way through my pregnancy for her - Tushies. Tushies are gel-free, latex-free, perfume-free, dye-free, TBT-free, GMO-free, and chlorine-free (well you get the idea - they are just mainly high absorbency natural blend cotton padding.). Unfortunately they will not help much with the crazy diaper landfill problem, but that is another story another day.
I have realized this week that I am not the only mom to make up songs to amuse their newborn. Although I am not sure we should all start a record label together I feel the need to list a few of my new hot titles made up by me at all hours of the day or night:
- "There is no need for crying Lilah"
- "Oh my Lilah .. it's ok"
- "We are dancing around the living room (or whatever room we are in)"
- Lilah, Lilah oh my Lilah"
- Well you get the idea. Good thing our video conferencing has a mute button. Speaking of which if you video conference let me know as we do with our family through Skype and love it.
OK off to grab some breakfast. Good day to all!
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